Thursday, January 3, 2008

Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP) - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.

Fact Sheet: FY 2007 Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP)
Release Date: December 20, 2007
The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP) is an important component of the Administration’s larger, coordinated effort to strengthen the nation’s overall level of preparedness. CEDAP provides specialized commercial equipment and related training directly to smaller jurisdictions and eligible metropolitan areas.
The FY 2007 CEDAP complements the Department’s other major grants programs to enhance regional response capabilities, mutual aid, and interoperable communications by providing technology and equipment, along with the training required to operate that equipment, to law enforcement and emergency responder agencies in smaller jurisdictions and certain metropolitan areas.
The FY 2007 CEDAP will provide equipment and training valued at approximately $33.7 million to law enforcement and emergency responder agencies across the nation.
Eligible applicants included law enforcement agencies and other emergency responder agencies who demonstrate the equipment will be used to improve their capability and capacity to respond to a major critical incident or to work with other first responders. Applicants were to have selected items from the CEDAP Equipment Catalog that they had been unable to acquire through other DHS programs.
Program Highlights
The FY 2007 CEDAP offers equipment in the following categories: personal protective equipment (PPE); thermal imaging, night vision, and video surveillance tools; chemical and biological detection tools; information technology and risk management tools; and, communications interoperability equipment.
State Administrative Agencies (SAA) play a vital role during the application process by helping to ensure requested equipment is consistent with the state’s Homeland Security Strategy. Training is provided at the time technologies are delivered and transferred under the program. The training is a prerequisite to receipt of equipment and helps ensure that the systems and devices awarded will be utilized fully and correctly.
In FY 2007, a total of 3,709 CEDAP applications were submitted and 1,853 were accepted for award. This included 56 awards for the Incident Commander’s Radio Interface (ICRI) under the category of Interoperable Communications equipment. Of the 1,853 awards 1,389 (75 percent) were awarded to law enforcement agencies with the remainder awarded to fire departments, emergency medical service, emergency management and public safety.
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This page was last modified on December 20, 2007


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